The Effect of Social Progress on Tourism Demand According to The Division of Countries Based on The Corruption Perception Index Score

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor in Sociology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Mazandaran.

2 Postdoctoral Researcher in Sociology of Economics and Development, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Mazandaran.


Context and Purpose: Tourism, as one of the most important sustainable development industries, creates great economic, social, and cultural opportunities for megacities and the mother cities of the world. Competition in the direction of sustainable tourism development, according to the tourists’ needs, should be given importance to planning tourism management and urban management. In this way, the current research examines the effect of social progress and economic freedom on tourism demand in countries with different levels of corruption.
Design/methodology/approach: The statistics related to corruption perception index, tourism demand, social progress index, and economic freedom index in 79 countries are respectively taken from information banks of Transparency International, World Bank, Social Progress Index, and Heritage Foundation from 2011 to 2020.
Findings: The effect of the mentioned variables on tourism demand, and panel data method has been used and analyzed with Eviews12 software. The results of panel data estimation in the years under review showed the impact of social progress on tourism demand in somewhat corrupt countries; To some extent free from corruption and very clean; And the effect of economic freedom on tourism demand is confirmed in relatively corruption-free and very clean countries.
Conclusion: Since tourism demand is influenced by social progress and economic freedom, it is necessary to pay attention to social and economic factors for the continuation and growth of tourism.


Main Subjects

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