Tourism Development with an Emphasis on Human Resources Approach (Case Study: Semnan Province)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor School of Management Economy, Semnan University

2 PhD student in Human Resource Management University of Semnan


Extended Abstract
The Semnan province has a great capacity and potential in the tourism section. Investors can easily choose this province for investment because of its tourist attractions. With respect to the unique specifications in term of historic and cultural aspects, people and the social capitals in the province. The necessity for planning on human resources can easily be felt in this part. Tourism is actually a modern phenomenon and also it is an economic activity in modern world (Paply, Yazdi, Saggaee 2006, page 22). In fact, tourism is an individual and social motivation which has both positive and negative effects on the environment, economics, and culture. It is involved with social interactions in terms of producing goods and services to respond the needs and desires of the customers away from their homes. Tourism is functioning as a system with inter-related part working together as a whole to accomplish certain goals, (Kazemi, 2006, pp 33-35).
The present study has on applied goal, and in terms on research designing in has a descriptive form. The population of the study includes the experts of the tourism offices of Dameghan, Garmsar, Aradan, Mahdishahr, Sorkha, and Mayami. All the travelling agencies, protection officers of the tourist attractions, museums, handicrafts, hotels, taxi service, parks, and green spaces are involved in this study. The whole people involved in these areas are 40 thousand experts working actively. The sample was 384 individuals who randomly were chosen with Cokran formula. For data analysis, the t-test and Anova test were used to analyze the variance and regret ion as 2 variables.
Discussion of conclusion
The main activities of the human resources management include selection, employing, instruction, and development, operational evaluation, security, composition. These resources are vitally important for the organizations. Because they cause to increase the thinking abilities and competition within the system and finally help to accomplish the organizational objectives with common values. The tourism industry is no exaction. Hence, the conclusion results show that the human resources with a 73.10 coefficient and with a determining correlation of 53 percent were effective upon the development of tourism in the Semnan. An investigation to the history of the study shows that most of the researches had survey on the impact of tourism industry on the human resources recourses development. The study of samimi and khebra in 2013shwed that the entrance of foreign tourist to another country had a positive and meaningful impact of human resources development. Amiri, 2005 had a study to indicate the role of tourism on women abilities in villages, again Kalantary and Khodaee in 2012had a study to show that for the betterment of the tourism industry we should work on more education at this section. Bavom and Serivas in 2008 had a study indicating that any immature tourism industry means that the government should take care of development of human resources. Kalantary and Khodaee in 2012 focus on more and more training of the human capitals in this regard. Prominent role of human resources in tourism development as a result of the training, recruitment and selection, performance appraisal, compensation and rewards. If properly paid attention, it can be used as a key factor with good results.
Keywords: Human Resource, Tourism, Semnan Province.

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