Explaining the Succession of Religious Tourism in Iranian Society with an Emphasis on Youth; Obstacles and Challenges

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor in Social Sciences, University of Isfahan


Religious tourism has a special place in the leisure time of traditional Iranian community. The purpose of current paper is to explain the religious tourism traditions among various generations of Iranian society and to try to answer the question of how different generation are interested in religious tourism and what the challenges and obstacles of the youth are in religious tourism traditions. Theoretically, this was used in Bourdieu and Max Weber's Theory of Action. At the end of the paper, the researcher has tried to demonstrate what taste Religious Tourism among the youth on the basis of weber approach and theory taste of Bourdieu or what the nature of this trend.
Materials and Methods
This research has been done through survey method. For collection of data was used by questionnaire. The statistical population of this study is all tourists who visited religious places and other tourist attractions in the villages of Imamzadeh Semirom on the days of Thursday and Friday of the summer of 1395. Their number was 9,900, according to the statistics Charity of Semirom. From among them, 480 samples were selected by quota sampling according the days (32 days), and then they were selected randomly, simply and equally according age and gender, that of which 400 of the sample Complete information was obtained. To determine the reliability questionnaire, the reliability of the questionnaire was calculated based on Cronbach's alpha was estimated. Cronbach's alpha was 0.85 for the internal consistency, so the reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed.
To measure religious tourism variables whose theoretical definitions were previously mentioned (18 items) and tourism tastes (14 items) were used and their internal consistency was verified using the factor load of the items as well as the Cronbach's coefficient. To measure religious tourism: Based on theoretical foundations, a total of 18 items (travel motivation, length of stay, planned and targeted, aims and number of religious trips per year, the amount of emotional relaxation, the amount of necessity and need for it. Encouraging others to do so, was used to measure the awareness and psychological readiness of pilgrimages and sacred places, participation in the development and organization of holy places, encouragement speeches in holy places
Discussion and Results
Comparison of the average frequency distribution of respondents in first and second priority of tourism preference in age groups shows that youths prefer their current and future tourism to recreational tourism and an average of 60persent of young people surveyed their first and second priority in the present and future Recreation and recreation, which reflects the desire of the younger generation to be joyful and entertaining, while for adults the first and second priorities are religious tourism, and an average of 53persent of the adult sample of the first and second priority of their current and future priorities are tourism While in the middle aged group it is the first priority The second is their tourism and the future are mainly cultural and religious.
  In this paper the  researcher  has studied the religious tourism as a social- cultural trend according the opinions of Bourdieu and Weber in the normative and behavioral system is the construction of the subjective and objective factors of social action space, and the degree of social tendency of different groups of different groups is influenced by the objective and subjective factors that act in the field of social action observation, therefore, religious tourism is influenced by the Social construction  and individual factors in different generations . Youth generation than other generation had less tendency to religious tourism. Less tendency of youth to religious tourism influenced by their attitude about religious system and performance of socioeconomic structures.
Keywords: Religious Tourism, Tastes, Recreational Tourism, Rural Tourism.

Faghri, R. (2007). Tourism planning and policy making of the Islamic Republic of Iran: analysis of the four five-year development plans, Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Lulea University of Technology: Sweden.
Amin, Mohammad Mostafa, (2013). Religious Tourism in Egypt: A Case Study Analysis, the American University in Cairo, School of Global Affairs and Public Policy.
Brayan, G. (2015). Advancing tourism’s moral morphology: arctic tourism, Tourist Studies, 15(1): 61-77.
Jafari, j. (1393). Tourism in the Islamic World, translated by Mehdi Ramezanzadeh Lesboi, Mahmood Hasanpour and Nazanin Tabrizi, Tehran, Mahkameh.
Duman, T. (2011). Value of Islamic Tourism Offering: Perspectives from the Turkish Experience, World Islamic Tourism Forum, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


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