An Analytical Study of Senior Tourism Development with Cognitive Mapping Approach Case Study: Yazd Province

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor in Management, Science and Art University

2 Lecturer of Science and Art University

3 M.A in Tourism Management, Science and Art University


Extended Abstract
Due to the aging of Iranian population, especially in Yazd province and the special needs of its people, in this study through cognitive mapping methodology is being practiced, a qualitative model for explaining the development of senior tourism of Yazd province is provided. Regarding this, after thesis statement, theoretical framework and literature review, the primary conceptual framework of the research is presented and its applied methodology was stated. In order to establish and draw out a model of senior tourism development in Yazd, the techniques and tools related to cognitive mapping literature review and social network analysis is being applied. The results revealed that factors like, insurance, health standards, security, and special service of transportation play an important role in the development of senior tourism in Yazd province.
Nowadays, tourism is considered as an important and economical issue and also highlights important communicational, social and cultural factors in the world. tourism, directly or indirectly, accounts for around 10 percent of the world`s gross domestic product, and is one of the main sources of employment worldwide. Aging population is a known process resulting from demographic transition in which fertility and mortality decrease from high levels to low levels. The current trend of the world`s population changes is moving to elderly as it is predicted in 2015, population over 60 to reach two billion. In our country, elderly population is also increasing, this rapid increase in aging may lead to many opportunities for economic activities in tourism industry and as the elderly in age of retirement have more free time and more saving with less financial obligations, this may lead to enhancement in tourism industry, also the elderly`s travel experiences or activities affect their overall quality of life or well-being.
Materials and Methods
For collecting information in addition to using library resources such as books, articles and thesis and interviews are also used. The statistical society of the study is: cultural and tourism heritage experts, tour leaders and other experts in the field of tourism management. In this study, the numbers of sample are 12, which are selected through snowball sampling. The methodological basis mixed continuous research was done, so that the causal mapping methodology and modeling Cognizer and Ucinet software were used.
Discussion and Result
The purpose of this study was to design and modeling of factors influencing the development of senior tourism in Yazd city. At the beginning with the study of literature and literature review, 19 found that by doing some interviews with experts, declined to 17 factors. Finally, the proposed conceptual model was developed through semi-structured interviews.
Then, travel insurance, health and cleaning standards, security, government programs to promote senior tourism, distance to destination, transportation, low prices and discounts, features and price medical and treatment services, marketing and advertising, special services such as elevator, wheelchair, escalator and…, local people`s behavior, personal services and residential sector and tour leaders, quality accommodation, were identified as important factors in the development of senior tourism. The final output of this research is a conceptual model for the development of senior tourism.
Keywords: Tourism Development, Senior Tourism, Cognitive Mapping Technique, Technique of Social Network Analysis.

Bosch, Sh. J. and Gharaveis, A. (2017). Flying solo: A review of the literature on way finding for older adults experiencing visual or cognitive decline, Journal of Applied Ergonomic, Vol. 58: 327-333.
Cejudo, A.B., Hernandez, O.R. and Patterson, I. (2016). The strategic Impact of country of origin on senior Tourism Demand: The Need to Balance Global and local strategies, Journal of Population Ageing, 9(4): 345-373.
Chen, S.C. and Shoemaker, S. (2014). Age and cohort effects: The American senior tourism market, Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 48: 58-75.
Gu, D., Zgu, H., Brown, T., Hoenig, H. and Zeng, Y. (2015). Tourism Experiences and self-Rated Health Among older Adults in china, Journal of Aging and Health, 28(4): 675-703.
Kim, M. J., Lee, Ch. K. & Bonn, M. (2016). The effect of social capital and altruism on seniors revisits intention to social network sites for tourism-related purposes, Tourism Management, Vol. 53: 96-107.
Kim, H., Woo, E., & Uysal, M. (2015). Tourism experience and quality of life among elderly tourists, Tourism Management, Vol.46: 465-476.



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