Examining the Role of Social Capital on the Participation of Host Communities in the Sustainable Tourism Development with the Mediator Role of Tourism Effects (Case Study: Sareyn)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Management, Mohaqeq Ardabili University

2 Ph.D in Tourism, Allameh Tabataba'i University

3 BA in Tourism Management, Allameh Tabataba'i University


Extended Abstract
This study aimed to investigate the role of social capital on the participation in the sustainable tourism development with the perceived mediator role of economic and socio-cultural effects by the host community in Sareyn. This study is an applied study and its methodology is questionnaire-based descriptive- survey. The statistical population included all people living in the city of Sareyn, Using Cochran formula, a sample of 385 persons were selected And the randomized sampling were used.
Correlation data analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation methods performed by using partial least squares (PLS) through using SPSS& SMARTPLS software. The results showed a significant positive relationship between social capital and three variables of economic impact of tourism (0.382), socio-cultural effects of tourism (0.517) and involvement in the sustainable tourism development (0.348) was approved. Also, the relationship between perceived economic impact  on participation in the sustainable tourism development with path coefficient (0.189) and t value(2.467) was confirmed. But the relationship between perceived socio-cultural effects on involvement in the sustainable tourism development was not confirmed because gained  t- value was less than (1.96).Also the results showed that social capital indirectly and by the mediator role of economic impact of tourism has positive and significant impact on participation in the development of sustainable tourism. But the indirect relationship between social capital and mediating role of socio-cultural effects of tourism on participation in sustainable tourism development was not approved.
Survival and continuity of the communities and Human groups depend on the actions and relationships of their members. The level and depth of relationships in a group, indicate on continuity, cohesion and solidarity between its members. Community members are one the social aspects which their participation plays an important role in encouraging the development of tourism in one area. In this line, social capital is one of the most important variables support community involvement in many activities. Social capital has the ability to improve cooperation between members of society and coordination in the development process of society-based tourism (Liu et al., 2014). In one hand, social capital by involvement in decision making, some ways for promoting sustainability, Basic values, guarantee equitable distribution of resources and increased recognition of the stakeholders will be effective. Social capital in the field of tourism by participation in decision-making on the one hand, some way for promoting stability, economic and social development balance, complete planning of tourism destinations, make sure you have a clear understanding of the location, quick and effective evaluation of complex opportunities, development of public values, guarantee equitable distribution of resources and increased recognition of the stakeholders will be effective.
Although several studies have examined the social capital in the tourism industry and As well as numerous studies investigated the effects of tourism and sustainable tourism development in tourism destinations, However, few studies dealing with the relationship between social capital, economic and socio-cultural effects of tourism and participation in the sustainable tourism development simultaneously. So, this study examines the role of social capital on participation in the sustainable tourism development from the perspective of the host community of Sareyn.
Materials and Methods
This study is an applied form by objective and is a descriptive- survey study by gathering information, and is a quantitative research by data identity. Tourism and sustainable development is the subject of this research that was conducted in the summer of 1395 in the city of Sareyn. The study population consisted all those who live in the Sareyn. Cochran formula was used to calculate sample size which 385 sample was calculated based on a available random sampling method. A questionnaire was used for data collection. Content reliability and validity of the questionnaire was tested and approved. To test the hypothesis and conceptual model, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM) techniques using partial least squares (PLS) by SMART PLS software has been used.
Discussion and Results
According to the results of the path coefficient and t-values, a significant positive relationship was approvedbetween social capital and three variables of economic impact of tourism, socio-cultural effects of tourism and participation in sustainable tourism development. associal capital explain 34 percent of participation variation in the sustainable tourism development and explain51 percent  ofsocio-cultural effects of tourism and 38 percent of the variation of economic effects of tourism.
Also, the impact of the perceived economic effects oninvolvement in the development of sustainable tourism, with path coefficient of0.189and the t- value of 2.467 was approved. But the impact of socio-cultural effects on participationin the development of sustainable tourism, because of t- value less than 1.96, was not confirmed.
Tourism industry well knownas a safe and clean industry for the economy of each country which make the highest economic,cultural and socialexchanges in society. In addition to the factors affecting the development of social capital, today it’s as one of the main components required for the growth and development of societies. so in this study, the effect of social capital on the participation of host communities in the sustainable tourism development and the mediator role of economic and socio-cultural effects of tourism in the Sareyn has been examined. In this regard, to achieve the research objectives, seven hypotheses were tested. All except two hypotheses in the fields of the socio-culturaleffectsof tourism were approved. The results showed that the relationship between the economic impact of tourism and social capital and participationin the sustainable tourism development were approved. Thus, it is appropriate for the economic area of tourism development in the Sareyn and had supported by the host community. This in turn causes increased local community involvement in sustainable tourism programs and activities. Main components of the sustainable tourismparadigm, is  building relationships and alliances to give more strength the capacity of local communities and transfer the local economy in a sustainable manner, which is beneficial for the environment is. It’s as in the field of socio-cultural effects of tourism in Sareyn, the intended development was accepted.
Also the results showed that the relationship between socio- cultural effects of tourism with participation in the sustainable tourism development and the indirect relationship between social capital with the mediator role of socio-culturaleffectsand the participation in tourism were not approved. This shows the development in the area of socio-cultural effects of tourism, was not as could incorporate the social capital of the local community of Sareyn. So it can be said that the development of tourism in Sareyn wasn’t in line with the needs and desires of the local community and it should be considered in futureplanning, because considering the local community and the their participation and cooperation in tourism development is vital.
Keywords: Social capital, Sustainable Development, Host Communities, Tourism Effects, Participation

Andereck, K.L., Valentine, K.M., Richard, C. K. and Vogt, C. A. (2005). Residents’ perceptions of community tourism impacts, Annals of Tourism Research, 32 (4):1056-1076.
Hung Lee, T. (2012). Influence Analysis of Community Resident Support for Sustainable Tourism Development, Tourism Management, 34(1): 37- 46.
Hwang, D. and Stewart W.P. (2016). Social Capital and Collective Action in Rural Tourism, Journal of Travel Research, 56(1):81- 93.
Nahapiet, J. and Ghoshal, S. (1998). Social capital, intellectual capital, and the organizational Advantage, Academy of Management Review, 2(1): 242-267.
Park, D.B., Lee, K.W., Choi, H.S. and Yoon, Y. (2012), Factors influencing social capital in rural tourism communities in South Korea, Tourism Management, 33(6): 1511-1520.
Rachmawati, E. (2014). Host community’s social and cultural capital for ecotourism development in Indonesia, Vol. 12, 4th International Conference on Tourism Research (41CTR) DOI:10.1051/shsconf/20141201035.



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