The Impact of Global Warming on Tourism Areas in Southern Coast of the Caspian Sea

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor in Climatology, University of Mazandaran

2 Assistant Professor in Climatology, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Mazandaran

3 MSc in Climatology, University of Mazandaran



The purpose of this study was to investigate the repercussions of global warming and its effects on the tourist areas of the southern shores of Mazandaran. In this descriptive-analytical study which was carried out on the eight synoptic stations of Gilan, Mazandaran and Golestan provinces, with the help of tourism climate index and one-way ANOVA, the current status of tourism in provinces was monthly, seasonally and yearly examined. With the help of multiple linear regression and based on available data, this indicator was predicted until 2100 and analyzed by one-way ANOVA with repeated measurements of the changes in this index. All tests were performed using SPSS software version 24. There was a significant difference between the cities of Gilan, Mazandaran and Golestan in terms of TCI. (P


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