Analysis of content of 6th grade elementary textbooks based on the components of tourism education

Document Type : Research Paper




The purpose of this study is to analyze the content of the sixth elementary school textbooks based on the components of tourism education. The method used to analyze the content of the present research was Shannon entropy and the unit analysis pages (text, questions, exercises, images) that contained a total of 829 pages. The statistical population of the study consisted of 9 primary school textbooks, including eight books including Persian (read), Persian (writing), science, heavenly gift, Quran, Social Studies, Thinking and research work technology is included. The results of the analysis showed that from 829 pages of the sixth grade textbook, 75 items were found in relation to the components of tourism education that the most attention is given to the tourism component and the least attention was paid to the component of the tourist. On the other hand, the components did not have sufficient distribution and dispersion in the textbooks


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