Effective factors on tourism tendency with emphasis on the role of tourists' mental security (case study of Bam)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associated Professor. Dept of Social Planning in university of Tehran

2 social science, university of tehran


Several attempt has been done in the world to discover the elements which effect on tendency to tourism. One of these important elements, is subjective security and it's dimensions. In this thesis , first of all, the reasercher has tried to cleave through the subjective security and objective security. Then due to measurement simplification, researcher has devived the independent variable into two new components: negative subjective security and affirmative subjective security. This study has tried to measure the contribution of every of these components in determination of tendency to tourism. This comparsion between contributions will identificate the component which needs to more enrichment or debilitation. This reseach has been done in quantitive way and by the servay method self-made questionnaire tool. 170 statistical samples has answered the questionnaires. Findings denote that negative subjective security Beta is -0.20 has a reducer effect on tendency to tourism and affirmative subjective security Beta is 0.40 with a cumulative affect on it . In order to strengthen the effect of affirmative subjective security, and undermine the impact of negative subjective security, the research sugessts some activities at the end of paper.


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