A Comparison of Factors Affecting on Handicraft Shopping Behavior between Domestic and Foreign Tourists in Isfahan City

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Geography and urban Planning, Faculty of Geographical Sciences and Planning, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.

2 university of Isfahan, faculty of geographic science and planning


The purpose of this study is to compare the factors affecting on handicrafts shopping behavior between domestic and foreign tourists in Isfahan city. The research method is descriptive and analytic. The statistical sample is 396 tourists (domestic 247, foreign 149). The survey data-collecting tool is a researcher-designed questionnaire. The questionnaire reliability is measured through Cronbach Alpha (0.837). The data were analyzed using one-sample T test, Independent Sample T test, and Mann-Whitney U test. The results indicated that all factors had a positive influence on handicrafts shopping behavior of tourists. In addition, the most important factor affecting on the handicraft shopping behavior for domestic tourists was quality factor, and for domestic tourists was authenticity factor. The results of Independent Samples T-test showed that there weren't difference in the effects of authenticity, price and uniqueness factors between domestic and foreign tourists, 4 factors of situational factor, portability, utility value, attitude about handicrafts were more important for foreign tourists than domestic tourists, and 2 factors of quality and experience were more important for domestic tourists. The study will be useful for the artisans and suppliers in the tourism and handicraft industry to improve their business performances.


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