Measuring the importance and performance of integrated tourism management indicators on the coast of Sorkhrud city

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Geomorphology, Islamic Azad University, Noor Branch, Noor, Iran

2 PhD student, Geography and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Noor Branch

3 Assistant Professor and Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University, Noor Branch


The which was distributed among a random sample of 364 statistical population based on Morgan's formula. To analyze the data from the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (to measure the normality of data distribution), the multivariate linear regression test (to rank the research indicators in terms of four stakeholders) and the TB test with two pairs of T-valves have been used.
The results of the distribution and completion of the questionnaire among the stakeholders and the importance of performance analysis - the performance of research indicators showed that the value of the mean and the performance of all indicators of integrated tourism management are negative values, in the sense that The current performance of these indicators in relation to the coastal tourism of Sorkhroud city is not desirable and they have a significant gap with their importance.
Conclusions: As a result, it is necessary to measure the dimensions and characteristics of integrated tourism management on the coast of Sorkhroud through requirements such as coordination between managers of other tourism-related institutions, such as coordination between management and executive agents of the Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization and hotels and management organizations. A city associated with tourism should be given more attention.


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