Prioritization and comparison of sustainable sport tourism factors in Guilan province between sport tourists and the host community

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor in Qom University

2 Assistant Professor in Physical education Department Qom University

3 assistant professor in Qom University

4 Instructor in Physical Education organization


The purpose of current study was to prioritize and compare the components of sustainable sports tourism in Guilan province between sports tourists and the host community. The statistical population consisted of all local residents (host community) and sports tourists who had traveled to Guilan province in 2018, which was selected as a sample using the Morgan's argument of 384 people. The research instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire and data were analyzed using Clomogrov Smirnov test, independent t test and Friedman test using the SPSS-24 of software. The findings showed that there is a difference between the opinions of sport tourists and host community regarding the dimensions and prioritizing of sustainable sport tourism (sig<0.05), which is based on the average of the employment component of the economy, the component of satisfaction in the socio-cultural dimension, and the component of awareness in the environmental dimension for the host society as well as the access component and Coming from an economic point of view is a component of socio-cultural satisfaction and a component of environmental awareness for sports enthusiasts. It is suggested that appropriate strategies be developed for the development of sport tourism in Guilan Province in order to achieve the desired sustainability.


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