Review of eligibility indicators in operation applicants for Tourism facilities (Case study: historical-cultural buildings of Iran)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 tourism management graduated in semnan university

2 tourism faculty,semnan university

3 tourism management department, faculty of tourism, semnan university


Since the management of historical and cultural buildings of the country can be very sensitive and in turn generate income, a fund under the supervision of the Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization was established to revive these magnificent buildings and this mission was entrusted to them. In the first step, the Rehabilitation Fund compiled tables to evaluate the applicants for the use of historical and cultural buildings and provided them with a list of public places that can be used. Due to the fact that the evaluation system of applicants based on the existing tables had deficiencies in quality and there was a possibility of endangering a part of the history and culture of a society, this study sought to be the most important corrective framework for evaluating the qualifications of applicants. Examine the removal of tourism facilities (cultural and historical buildings), which are the characteristics of competent operators. The results indicate that: technical factors, financial economic factors, legal factors, individual personality factors and stability factors are the five aspects of the applicants' eligibility issue, which can, in the future, provide an approach to the overall structure of the evaluation framework.


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