Tourism industry crisis management model Development Case study: Pandemic crisis of Covid-19 virus

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tourism Management Dept. , Allemeh Tabatabaie University, Tehran, Iran

2 University of Mazandaran

3 MA Tourism Management,, Allameh Tabatabaie University



The recent crisis of the Covid-19 virus has severely affected all of the world's tourism destinations, including Iran,Therefore, the present study aims to develop and explain the Murphy three-stage model (before the crisis, during the crisis, and after the crisis) in order to manage the crisis in Iran s tourism industry. Accordingly, this research has been done by using a qualitative approach and using the content analysis method (theme), and using the opinions and views of 24 experts in various fields of tourism. The findings of the interviews are categorized into three levels of open source, axial, and selective by MaxQDA software. As a result a strategic model that explains the management of the tourism crisis in three stages based on the objectives, strategies, and specific actions. Based on the findings of this study, appropriate goals and strategies in the three stages of this research, respectively: pre-crisis stage, prevention goal and its strategies of preparation and empowerment; The crisis phase, the purpose of managing its effects and strategies, action/reaction strategies and damage reduction; And in the post-crisis phase, the goal of revitalization and promotion and its appropriate strategies is to review marketing, financial management / operational efficiency and business resilience.


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Tourism industry crisis management model Development
Case study: Pandemic crisis of Covid-19 virus