Assessing the factors affecting tourist's satisfaction with tourism destinations (case: Ab'o Atash park)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 faculty mamber

2 1) دانشجوی کارشناسی ارشد برنامه‌ریزی گردشگری، دانشگاه تهران، تهران، ایران

3 kharazmi

4 Urban design Dept. University of Tabriz



In the current situation where the high cost of travel along with the concerns caused by urbanization does not allow all citizens of Tehran to attend the pleasant climate outside the city, it seems that one of the most desirable ways to ward off fatigue and everyday life is to take refuge in urban parks such as Ab'o Atash park. Congestion, Bad economic situation and lack of time in Tehran have made urban parks have a major role in filling citizens leisure time.The need to pay attention to urban parks and the satisfaction of citizens from them are the main framework of this research. In the present study, first, by studying the theoretical background of the research, the researchers extracted the most important factors affecting the satisfaction of tourists, which have the highest frequency and can be measured in the park under study, and designed the research questionnaire. The results of field studies were analyzed after entering SPSS and LISREL software; The results of Exploratory factor analysis confirmed the validity of all research variables and all research indicators were evaluated as effective on the satisfaction of Ab'o Atash park tourists; also,


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