The Role of Modulating Carbon Dioxide Emissions in the Impact of International Tourism on Economic Growth (Analysis of GMM and FMOLS Models)

Document Type : Research Paper



2 Economy, Economic and administrative science. Mazandaran. Babolsar. Iran



International tourism is one of the important variables that have positive effects on economic growth. But because of the negative environmental effects of carbon dioxide emissions, some of the positive effects on economic growth may be diminished. The main purpose of this article is to investigate the modulating role of carbon dioxide emissions in the impact of international tourism on economic growth in the short and long term and to what extent can its positive effects affect economic growth? For this purpose, the selected Islamic countries of Southwest Asia, including Iran, have been selected due to their homogeneity, common economic that exist between these countries. Then, by collecting the required information and statistics in the period 2017-2000 in the framework of panel models, the Generalized method of moments (GMM) was used to estimate the short-term relationship, and the FMOLS average estimator was used to estimate the long-term relationship. Is. The results show that, firstly, the effect of international tourism on economic growth in the short and long term is positive and significant. Second, increasing carbon dioxide emissions will reduce some of the positive effects of international tourism on economic growth in the short and long term.


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