Investigating the Impact of the Domestic Travel of Iranian Households from Change in Household Purchasing Power

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Tourism Economic Department, Institute of Tourism Research at ACECR Khorasan Razavi. Researcher of Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research (ACECR), Khorasan Razavi, Iran.



The change in the composition of the household consumption basket is one of the effects of decreased purchasing power. Tourism sector is one of the sectors that will be most affected by this change. But the different nature of the “tourism product” from other economic goods, as well as regional differences in the type of tourist spending, overshadows how household spending in the tourism sector is affected. This study aimed to investigate the change in household behavior in tourism expenditures that are affected by various factors such as changes in household purchasing power, and for this purpose has used the spatial data panel model during the period 2011-2019 for 31 provinces of Iran. The results has shown that household purchasing power has a negative effect on the share of household tourism expenditures. Results also examining the effects of some of the most important variables of household budget, it can be analyzed that the change in household purchasing power does not directly reduce the number of trips or the tourists’ length of stay, but it affects the type of travel and the change in the household travel pattern. It also leads to changes in choice of destinations.


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