Evaluating the place of the global approach to heritage management in the function of Iranian prehistoric site museums

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA, University of Mazandaran

2 Associate Professor of Archaeology, University of Mazandaran.


Despite the growing importance of creating site museums and the way of managing them worldwide, this approach in Iran has not been highly regarded by experts and specialists in the field of archeology and tourism. So, today, only a few excavated ancient sites have been exposed to tourists in the form of site museums from different cultural periods. However, so far, the present condition of these site museums has not been evaluated and analyzed according to international standards.Therefore, the present study, evaluates the function of Iranian prehistoric site museums based on international standards by using the field and documentary studies in a descriptive-analytical approach. Based on the results, in most Iranian prehistoric site museums, global approaches such as archaeotourismand general archaeology are of a little importance. In this regard, incorrect preservative measures taken in order to strengthen the identified cultural artifacts from the archaeological excavations of these site museums can be pointed out. In addition, cultural findings obtained from excavations are not also well organized. In fact, most of them are exposed to the visitors in a traditional way and with the least possible information.


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