The Human Driving Forces of Entrepreneurship Development in Tourism Sector: A Case Study of the Shahrood Township

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Geography and Rural Planning, Faculty of Social Sciences, Payame Noor University, Tehran - Iran

2 Department of Geography, Payame Noor university ,Tehran, Iran



Entrepreneurship and the use of natural and man-made capacities depend on the availability of Human Driving Forces. The present study was conducted to study the status of H.D.F of entrepreneurship development in rural areas of Shahrood Township and to analyze the effects of entrepreneurship in the field of tourism on sustainable rural development. The results of this study show that among the research indicators, all of them are in good condition. Thirteen final research criteria were identified, are ranked using the COPELAND technique which the criterion of innovation and creativity has the highest value. According to WASPAS, different dimensions of Human Driving Forces in Kharqan rural area have had the greatest impact on the process of entrepreneurship development in the field of rural tourism in the villages of Kharqan. In order to analyze the effects of entrepreneurship in the field of tourism on the development of rural areas, the CODAS has been used. Findings show that the effects of entrepreneurship in the field of rural tourism on the development of Kharqan, Khartooran and Biarjomand rural areas have been more than others countryside.


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